Welcome to St Andrew’s CofE Primary School Hove PTA

The Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) has two main aims. Firstly, we provide activities and events which enrich the life of the whole school community. Activities which all our children benefit from as well as events which enable parents and staff to get to know one another better. Secondly, we raise money which allows the school to carry out activities often supporting the curriculum that would otherwise not be possible.

Unlike some charities, all roles in the PTA are volunteer roles, no one is paid. All money raised goes into the school. 

Please do get involved. Email [email protected] if you want to get involved. You can ask to join our what’s app group by emailing us.

The funds raised are used in a variety of ways; for example, we provide each class teacher with a small fund to purchase additional learning resources in every classroom. We pay for enhancements to playground facilities such as planters. We fund party food and drinks for end of terms class events. We supply items like the disco equipment and playground games which all the children benefit from as well as supporting events and outings as part of the creative curriculum. We have recently provided the funds for the main playground markings which have proved a huge hit, and funded welly racks and helped refurbish the school library and provide diversity books.

PTA Committee – Your PTA.

We need YOU!